Some download links may still only be on discord:
We may use ads and shortlinks to keep the service up

Direct Download Links

Special for people with big brains, who don't have to struggle to download files and aren't yapping about short links with advertisements

Direct Download Links:

Special for people with big brains, who don't have to struggle to download files and aren't yapping about short links with advertisements

There are 2 options, a Google Drive folder and a Discord channel, you can also choose both. The only requirements are, having an Email for Google Drive access and having a Discord Account that has joined the Server.

How to obtain access:

  1. Via Trakteer Indonesia: Memberikan Support (tanpa request skin), hanya perlu isi pesan dengan email atau username discord (pastikan pesan dibuat private agar email tidak dilihat orang lain)
  2. Via Sociabuzz Giving Support to the option: Direct Download Links, or Unlock exclusive contents (2 times in a period)
  3. Via Ko-fi (Paypal) Donate some amounts (don't forget to include Email or discord username)
  4. Via Alipay / WeChat Pay Same as Sociabuzz, but change location to Thailand (I don't know if this works or not, but THB (Baht) currency can use it)
  5. Not yet supported by other payment
Period Validity period
2024-3 September, October, November, December - 2024
2024-2 May, June, July, August - 2024
2024-1 Not yet
2023, 2022, 2021 Not yet

Explanation: if you donate in October 2024 you are in period 2024-3 which means it will be valid until December 2024. However, if you want to access a previous period, you can donate again and include the following information in the message: e.g. 2024-2. Or you can contact me


  1. Access future direct downloads
  2. (Access forever, but only valid during the period)

  3. Unlock Exclusive Content on the platform
  4. (Access only for 30 days, can be extended with options: Private Requests, Unlock Exclusive Content)

  5. Google Drive Folder:
  6. (Access forever, but only valid during the period)

  7. Discord Channel:
  8. (Access forever, but only valid during the period)


I don't force anyone to donate or pay, I just need a little help to continue this activity. It doesn't matter if you don't do it, but please

Enjoy free content without complaints!


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Note: Most of the Mods are from public requests (Sociabuzz & Trakteer). Some mods are not published here, because they are private. Also "Early Access" can only be accessed for supporters.